Welcome to Johnny Cargile Cigars  Welcome to Johnny Cargile Cigars  Welcome to Johnny Cargile Cigars 

Experience the Pinnacle of
Cigar Excellence

Immerse yourself in the world of Johnny Cargile Cigars, where tradition meets luxury. Our hand-rolled cigars are a testament to quality craftsmanship, delivering an unparalleled smoking experience. Explore our collection and discover why connoisseurs choose Johnny Cargile Cigars.

About Us

Our Legacy

Crafting Perfection, One Cigar at a Time

At Johnny Cargile Cigars, our passion for excellence is rooted in history. We are artisans dedicated to preserving the age-old tradition of cigar making. Each cigar is a masterpiece, hand-rolled with the finest selection of tobacco leaves, promising an exquisite blend of aroma and flavor.

Our Cigars

Our Merchandise

Our Accessories


Experience our unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

Our specialty is well aged tobacco made in small batches and we take great pride in our cigars and our service. Our completely handmade cigars are comprised of the finest aged tobaccos made to the highest standards. Johnny Cargile Cigars quality, and focus attention to detail.

Discover the richness of Nicaraguan cigars, known for their full-bodied profiles and exquisite complexity. Each cigar is a masterpiece, born from the volcanic soil of Nicaragua’s most revered regions. Estelí’s robust offerings, Jalapa’s smooth caress, Condega’s balanced bouquet, and Ometepe’s unique earthiness. Our Nicaraguan selection is crafted to satisfy the palate of every cigar aficionado.

Embrace the boldness of Mexican cigars, renowned for their deep, rich flavors and exceptional quality. Our Mexican San Andres cigars bring a taste of heritage and strength in every smoke. Choose from a variety of sizes to match your moment of relaxation or celebration.

Why Johnny Cargile Cigars

Uncompromised Quality

Because You Deserve Only the Best

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering. From selecting the finest tobaccos to the meticulous hand-rolling process, every Johnny Cargile cigar represents our dedication to delivering an unmatched smoking experience.

The Cigar Academy

Bringing both experienced aficionados and rising cigar enthusiasts together.

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