Nicaraguan Cigars - A Symphony of Flavors
Discover the richness of Nicaraguan cigars, known for their full-bodied profiles and exquisite complexity. Each cigar is a masterpiece, born from the volcanic soil of Nicaragua’s most revered regions. Estelí’s robust offerings, Jalapa’s smooth caress, Condega’s balanced bouquet, and Ometepe’s unique earthiness. Our Nicaraguan selection is crafted to satisfy the palate of every cigar aficionado.
Sizes Tailored for Every Enthusiast
Whether you prefer a quick, satisfying smoke or a leisurely experience, we have the size to fit your needs. Our range includes:
* Mexico San Andres: Available in 6 x 52 and 6 x 60
* Jalapa: A perfect 6 1/2 x 54
* Habano Ecuador: Consistently satisfying at 6 x 52
* Connecticut Ecuador: A classic 6 x 52
Each size is designed to deliver a distinct smoking experience, with the assurance of Jimmy Cargile Cigars’ quality in every draw.